Log in to wickr
Log in to wickr

  • Now enter your current credentials to login.
  • When the app asks you to login, fist tap “Existing Account”.
  • Visit the corresponding app store and install Wickr: Apple App Store, Google Play Store.
  • Tap the “x” button and the app will uninstall.
  • For iOS devices, all you need to do is tap and hold on the Wicker icon until the “x” appears in the icon’s corner.
  • Wait until your phone finishes the process and then proceed to the next step.

    log in to wickr

    Tap the Wickr icon from the list and tap “Uninstall”. On Android devices, go to your phone’s “Settings” menu and open Application Manager.You might also find your old device(s) in the list. If you find any devices with the same name, remove the duplicates. Tap the “Settings” icon in the lower left corner.If you forget your password or terminate the account, you will need to register a new account with a new, unique username. * We DO NOT allow username reuse, to avoid impersonation issues. To add more devices to your Wickr account, please download and install Wickr Me on the target device(s), open the app, and use the "Sign In" option on the initial splash screen.

    log in to wickr

    * You only need to "Create Account" once. The credentials used for this site or the Wickr Pro app will come up as invalid username/password in the Wickr Me app. Note: Your username and password for the Wickr Support website are not connected to your Wickr ID and password. Please retype both to make sure they match. If you are missing a checkmark next to the second password, it does not match your first password.

    log in to wickr

    Try using a combination of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols, and consisting of a minimum of 8 characters. If you are missing a checkmark next to the first password, your password is invalid. You will only know if the username is taken after you press "Submit." We do not do an automatic check on usernames as you type to prevent spammers who could easily create a large list of valid usernames this way. Please use 4-15 alphanumeric characters only (0-9 and a-z). To protect your identity, Wickr Me does not allow the sign or white spaces (i.e., space/tab/newline) so that you cannot use your real name (John Hancock) or email address as your anonymous Wickr ID. If you do not see a checkmark next to your username, the name is invalid.

  • Create a Wickr ID (anonymous username - see rules below).
  • Open the app and hit the "Create Account" button.
  • Install the Wickr Me app from our website, iTunes, or the Google Play store.
  • To get you started in Wickr Me, you will need to register a Wickr ID and create a password:

    Log in to wickr